Session 10


Steps toward undertaking research on
climate change issues...


It is vital for public health officials to understand global trends and their local and regional implications. What are the most reliable resources available from the scientific community that can be of assistance in understanding the changing patterns of global climate change? How can those concerned with public health gain regular access to the latest scientific data? How can they become part of the global discussions that are emerging about how to address the ever more pressing problems that our changing global climate will pose for the human community.

Some source material


Assignment 5: For Friday, 14 June, please come to class with a list of the sources YOU would turn to and draw upon for your own research on climate.

We will share these resources in discussion and create a list of useful materials for you each to explore as you undertake your research for the course paper and VoiceThread presentation.

Some Preliminary Steps to Initiate Climate & Public Health Research Relating to….

Reports & Official Documents - Governmental, Multinational, International


IPCC Reports

  Particularly the "Assessment Reports" - with appropriate subject and regional information.

U.S. Government Reports

  U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP),

News Sources


ScienceDaily - Climate


Climate Action Groups & Advocacy Resources


Climate Action Groups


Portals to Professional Publications & Selected Professional Journals


CDC Publications


Online Blogs and Ongoing Information


Ongoing Climate News & Blogs



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